Title: The Impact of Experiential Nuances in Interfaith Dialogue: Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Aurobindo by Isaac Portilla
Ramana Maharshi and Sri Aurobindo are two crucial figures to understand contemporary Western spirituality and its search for inspiration from the East. Regardless of their iconic status, Ramana’s and Aurobindo’s unique paths are simultaneously alluring and misunderstood.
This paper explores some of the most relevant experiential nuances within the mystical phenomenology of Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Aurobindo, which are often overlooked when studying these figures exclusively from philosophical and cultural standpoints. The author proposes these nuances as key elements to understand a number of issues relevant to interfaith discussions: depth of spiritual realization; spiritual transmission mechanics; influence and legacy; contribution to the evolution of mystical experience. In this paper, the author proposes the acknowledgment of unique spiritual experiences as an essential part of interfaith dialogue.