Title: Evolution of Mystical Experience and Synthesis of Spiritual Lineages by Isaac Portilla
Join in a voyage through the evolution of mystical experience, from the ancient Taoists, Rishis and Yogis, passing through the Christian Age and the evolution of spiritual traditions, to a present full of possibilities.
I-EXPERIENCE (UL): we will immerse ourselves in the presence of Divine Love (AGAPE at Overmind level) as it manifests in the universal non-dual field of consciousness. A meditative talk on the Genesis of the Cosmos and the evolution of mystical experience will follow.
WE-EXPERIENCE (LL): we will explore how different value systems may limit the evolution of mystical experience, and hinder the dialogue and synthesis of spiritual traditions (e.g., absolutistic [BLUE] “my tradition is the one valid,” pluralistic [GREEN] “all traditions lead to the same goal”). SYNERGIC EXPERIENCE (LR): finally, we will do a group meditation for the energetic acknowledgement of 4 lineages—Christian, Taoist, Buddhist and Indian Dharma—and experience their powerful evolutionary synthesis.
Important: The experiential workshop 'Evolution of Mystical Experience and Synthesis of Spiritual Lineages' will be held on May 24th, 2018 (Thursday), 16:45-18:00. A further discussion with the topic 'Scientific Method in Mystical Spirituality' in poster format will follow. For any questions related to the conference you should contact the organizers directly: www.integraleuropeanconference.com