Title: Regeneration of the Body-mind Through the Non-dual Field by Isaac Portilla
The perception of the universal spirit as the non-dual field of consciousness has become lately the most common definition and the most widely accepted consequence of spiritual realization. Although its impersonal perspective has been openly discussed, there is a field that has been less explored: the interaction between the body-mind and the spirit within the unity consciousness. Thus, some questions that may arise during the spiritual journey are: What are the implications of spiritual realization in the body-mind? Is it possible to help the process of integration with spirit? Is there a relationship between truth (non-dual filed), health (harmony and well-functioning of the body-mind) and love (light expression of spirit)?
The author, drawing on his own experience and that of his students, explains the implications of spiritual realization at the personal (body-mind) level and how it is possible to help this process through specific physical and meditation practices. These are based on several paradigm-changing principles such as the structural principle of the inverse wheel which protects the body from contractions and tensions (using the correspondence between physiotherapy and the spiritual perspective); the principle of the direct linkage which aligns the energy body (used in acupuncture and chi kung) with the non-dual field of consciousness, and the active listening principle. Taking regeneration as a necessity to embody the spiritual reality, the author explains its place within the three pillars of a complete spiritual process, which includes: realization, development and regeneration as a whole. This results in the humanization of spirit – a stage in which there is no separation between spirit and matter, and moreover, where the ultimate reality reveals itself as love – the primordial manifestation of the eternal.