Title: The Trinity Experience of Consciousness by Isaac Portilla
When we look at the spiritual testimonials of the mystics and awaken individuals of different traditions, we find three types of experiences: some report a feeling of ‘return’ to an eternal Source; others – the sense of ‘recovering’ a personal inherent freedom; while yet others – an evolutionary impulse, a sense of ‘discovering’ new frontiers in humanity’s spiritual journey. We may ask, thus, the following question: “Are we returning to ‘the place’ we came from, recovering something that we lost, or simply evolving toward new ways of perceiving reality?”
This apparent incongruity (return vs. recovery vs. discovery) does not appear problematic from the point of view of the Trinity experience of Consciousness. According to this experience, the Spirit-reality has three aspects: the feeling of ‘return’ refers to the realization of the non-dual Absolute (the Father); the feeling of ‘recovery’ refers to the actualization of the personal spiritual light-form (the Christ); and the feeling of ‘discovery’ refers to the evolutionary function of the spiritual energy (the Holy Spirit). These three aspects constitute the foundation of all spiritual phenomena, as they represent the most fundamental realities: consciousness, light and energy.